
Showing posts from August, 2023

Being Vulnerable

Vulnerability: Is It a Sign of Strength or Weakness? In her book ‘Daring Greatly,’ professor BrenĂ© Brown shares that vulnerability and courage go hand in hand. She suggests that it is by being vulnerable that we forge the way for the blossoming of authenticity. Sharing your personal challenges with others, expressing your emotions in public, and even apologizing when you regret your actions are all examples of vulnerability. Vulnerability becomes a weakness if we believe that exposing ourselves is a weakness; however, it becomes a strength if we understand that the deeper understanding and connection that becomes inspired through vulnerability is helpful to our self-realization and growth.  Definition and Paradox of Vulnerability Vulnerability is generally defined as a willingness to share one’s deeply held thoughts and emotions, to risk being emotionally hurt, or to allow one’s weaknesses to be seen. Yet it is also seen as the pathway to greater connection and growth. Is there, then,