
Showing posts from June, 2023

Creativity Is A Spiritual Practice

CREATIVITY IS A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE What are some moments in your life where human endeavor has left you awestruck? Maybe visiting an elaborately designed temple is one such moment for you - the intricately carved stone sculptures and statues, or the prowess of the temple architects in achieving the impossible feet of building a temple on a mountain. It can leave us feeling uplifted and motivated because the inspiration for such human action feels like a labor of love, love for the divine. 'We are spiritual beings having a human experience.' Many of us resonate with this profound thought from French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Spiritual Psychology is also founded on the principle that we are already Spiritual Beings and not just human beings striving to be spiritual. Living in this material world though, we forget our reality.  Creative pursuits are ways by which we can reconnect to our true nature. Art, drawing, painting, photography, creative writing, poetry, singi...