
Showing posts from April, 2023

The Winds of Change Are Upon Us

  Change is coming! “Dehino asmin yathaa dehe koumaaram youvanam jaraa Tathaa dehaantara praaptihi dheeras tatra na muhyati.” -- Bhagawad-Gita (2.13) In this verse Krishna talks about the six inevitable bodily changes - childhood, adolescence, youth, middle age, old age, and migration to a new body. He shares that this process will continue till the soul gets liberated. There are many verses in Bhagawad Gita that allude to the point that “change is the only constant.” Yet we are constantly plagued by change. Though we undergo it perpetually, we resent it, resist it, deny it, and decry it.  In this blog, we explore our love-hate relationship with change and how we can embrace change in order to reap the benefits of coming to terms with who we are and whatever situation we find ourselves in WHILE changing what we need to about ourselves in order to create greater wellbeing and working to remediate any aspects of the external environment that we can to improve the welfare of ours...